Journey Physical Therapy, LLC

Call Us Today! (828) 674-3416

Frequently Asked Physical Therapy Questions 


  • Do you accept my insurance?

    Journey Physical Therapy is an out-of-network provider. We are a fee-for-service clinic operating under a cash-based business model. Therefore, we do not accept insurance assignments. However, some insurance plans may reimburse for physical therapy services at an out-of-network provider rate, usually less than if you used an in-network provider. We can provide you with a “superbill,” which itemizes service codes that we give you to submit to your insurance company. We encourage each patient to contact their insurance company to discuss out-of-network insurance plan benefits, as each insurance plan is unique and different. (We can provide you with a list of questions to ask to help get the answers you need to make an informed decision). We accept cash, checks, HSA, or FSA cards and offer package discounts.  

  • Why is Journey Physical Therapy out-of-network?

    Journey Physical Therapy does not rely on insurance companies because it limits the way we treat. We work for our patients, not shareholders of insurance companies! The current healthcare insurance model is failing many individuals and families, especially with access to high-quality skilled physical therapy services. Under the current model, many insurance companies limit the number of physical therapy visits allowed each year which may hinder the patient from reaching their optimal recovery, forcing in-network physical therapists to budget the plan of care, which may not always align with patient progress, where additional therapy is necessary.

    In-network PT clinics are facing declining reimbursement rates or insurance companies providing flat rate fees that barely cover PT salaries and clinic operational expenses. This affects the profitability margins and, potentially, the viability of the clinic surviving the current healthcare environment, a real dilemma for practice owners. The only way to be profitable in this in-network model is to demand more PTs working in these clinics. Owners press higher productivity which ultimately compromises the quality of care because quantity = (the number of warm bodies) is the only answer to generating lost revenue. This burden is passed on to the hardworking physiotherapist by increasing the number of patients per hour, commonly treating 2-3 patients per hour. Unfortunately, this leads to declining quality of physical therapy service, high reliance on unskilled PT techs or aides, and clinician burnout. Ultimately, the patient suffers because they are not receiving the high-quality skilled service they are paying for and deserve. After all, the therapist is so busy “juggling” 2-3 patients every hour.

    As an out-of-network provider, Journey Physical Therapy is free to practice and provide high-quality skilled physical therapy service in a one-on-one safe private clinic setting where you, the patient, are at the center of attention, as it should be!

  • Is Cash-based PT more expensive?

    Out-of-pocket costs will likely be less at Journey Physical Therapy than in-network clinics because of lower overhead. For instance, we do not rely on third-party billing services, cost savings we can pass on to you. 

    High-deductible healthcare plans offer lower monthly premiums but high deductibles, as the name implies, $2500-$10,000 for single and more for families. This can be a financial burden for some and devastating for others with fixed income budgets, handling the financial expense upfront on out-of-pocket money for PT services until deductibles are met. Higher co-pays for PT services ranging from $35 to $150 or more must be collected at the time of service each visit. Some plans require paying the full cash price of the visit up front until the deductible is met. Traditional in-network PT clinics accepting your insurance have contracted rates with your insurance company for each type of PT service rendered. Evaluations can range from $250-$400 or more, and each follow-up treatment visit is $200-$400 with variability depending on what codes are billed, leaving some uncertainty about the actual cost with poor clarity and surprising bills. In-network clinics typically recommend a frequency of 2-3 x/week x 6-8 weeks with very little one-on-one time with your PT. Looking at the big picture is revealing.

    Weighing the difference, you may end up paying a significant amount of money for low-quality service. Ask yourself WHY would you pay a premium price for low-quality service?  

    At Journey Physical Therapy, we make things simple. We offer a flat rate fee for physical therapy evaluation. We offer a flat rate fee for physical therapy treatment. We offer a flat rate fee for wellness. No guessing on what your financial obligation will be.

    In exchange, you will receive high-quality, 1-hour one-on-one sessions with an expert, seasoned manual physical therapist in a safe private clinic setting. Good faith estimates are available upon request.

  • How do I get reimbursed?

    Call the number on the back of your insurance card and inquire about out-of-network insurance benefits. Many insurances will partially or may fully reimburse you; and, if not, will apply the amount spent towards your deductible. Be sure to ask what your out-of-pocket deductible is, how much you may have paid for the current calendar year, and how much more you need to pay before treatment is covered.

    Journey Physical Therapy can provide an invoice as a “superbill” we generate with all the required elements to submit for your insurance company to reimburse you. Journey Physical Therapy does not accept insurance assignments. Full payment is expected at the time service is rendered.

  • Do I need to see my physician first to get a referral to start physical therapy?

    No. North Carolina is a direct access state. This means you do not need a referral from your physician to receive Physical Therapy Services. Initiating treatment sooner helps in the recovery process and can save you money that you would spend seeing your doctor first.  

    However, if we determine your condition is beyond the scope of our practice. We will refer you to see your physician before any treatment is started.

  • What should I expect on my first visit?

    Once we set up your first appointment, we will email you preliminary paperwork to fill out on the computer before your first visit (preferred to save time), or you can elect to do it on the first visit. Please allow about 10-15 minutes to answer questionnaires and provide relevant medical information to allow thorough time for evaluation.

    Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.

    Parking is located in the front or side of the Flat Rock Centre. There is a parking lot designated for disability in front of the building.

    Enter the front of the building and walk down the hallway to Suite 8 or 9. David will greet you and get you started.

    Evaluations and treatment sessions last one hour and are one-on-one with David. This allows plenty of uninterrupted time to discuss findings, PT diagnosis, prognosis, customized treatment planning, education, and practice of specific exercises and strategies for self-management, ensuring proper form/technique for carryover between therapy sessions.

    You will leave each session with clear, concise instructions and a clear understanding of what’s expected to get you back to your favorite activities! At Journey Physical Therapy, you get a genuine healthcare practitioner, David, committed to understanding your problem and safely guiding you to your favorite recreational or sports activity. 

    At the end of your first treatment, recommendations to determine the frequency and duration of your care and anticipated good faith estimated costs, including discount payment package options available. Full payment is expected at the end of the initial evaluation and after each treatment session.

  • How long will it take me to get better?

    Recovery is a dynamic, multifactorial process, depending on diagnosis, acuity, severity, chronicity, overall health and well-being, preexisting medical conditions, attitude, and much more. This is why a comprehensive Physical Therapy evaluation/consultation is necessary so that we can provide you with a professional recommendation. We want to accelerate your recovery, emphasizing our commitment to delivering high-quality 1:1 service without overutilizing your healthcare dollars.

  • Can you see Medicare or Medicaid patients?

    Journey Physical Therapy has no relationship with Medicare. We are not an enrolled provider; therefore, we cannot treat you if Medicare is your primary insurance. We are happy to refer you to an appropriate Medicare provider upon request. However, you have certain rights under HIPPA that you may elect to exercise if you are adamant about seeing David. Please get in touch with David to discuss this further. 

    We offer wellness/preventative care, general fitness, and other services not covered by Medicare.  

    We do not participate in Medicaid insurance.

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